Improve Dont Move!
One of my customers remarked recently that they were going to do exactly what their home was designed for – and that was to live in it and enjoy it! When you’re happy with the area you live in, the thought of having to move in order to get a bigger bathroom or an extra bedroom can be daunting and costly. A reasonable estimate of the cost is about 10% of the price of the property you’re selling. That means if you live in a three-bedroom house worth £300,000 and decide to move into the identical three-bedroom house next door, you’ll pay around £30,000 on fees, stamp duty, legal costs, removers and the rest.
Here's one we prepared earlier - Before
During........ remember to call in the professionals!
Beware of the cowboys! Be very wary of one man bands changing career from the stock market to becoming a builder, or the curtain maker working out the back of her shed in the garden. It does pay to shop around but make sure you are comparing like for like quotes so you know what you are getting for your money. You’ll need to bring in professionals to carry out this kind of work and also contact your local authority to find out if planning permission is required. Talk to people who’ve had similar work done to get their advice.
And Happily Ever After being Honeysuckled.......
Remember book early to avoid disappointment – the really good trade’s people are always busy. If you’re thinking about having a project completed ready to entertain at Christmas now is the time to get organised.